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The Maine Nightjar Monitoring Project is a part of the Maine Natural History Observatory (MNHO). ​MNHO is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization headquartered in Gouldsboro, ME. The Observatory’s mission is to advance the scientific knowledge of Maine’s biota. 
Your support can help ensure that this project continues to collect the data needed to monitor and conserve Maine's crepuscular and nocturnal bird life. Use the "Donate" button below to make a contribution in support of this project. When prompted to "Add special instructions to the seller", simply write "Nightjar Project". 
MNHO also offers memberships for individuals who would like to stay up to date
on this and other projects focused on Maine's flora and fauna.
Prefer to mail in a donation? Send contributions to MNHO at:
Maine Natural History Observatory
317 Guzzle Road
Gouldsboro, ME 04607
Donate with PayPal
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