Eastern Whip-poor-will
The Eastern Whip-poor-will is a cryptically plumbed nightjar that is active during the twilight hours and on moonlit nights. By day, these birds remain stationary and blend into day roosts on the forest floor or perched on a tree limb. Males sing an onomatopoeic song to defend territories and attract mates. They typically lay two eggs directly on the leaf litter. Once the first eggs hatch and young start to mature, females depart to start a second nest while the male continues the care of the first brood. Adult males will employ a hovering, tail-flashing display when another male enters his territory or when an intruder approaches the nest site. Both males and females will perform wing-dragging distraction displays to lead o predators. Visit portions of your block with good potential habitat. Foraging habitat consists of low-elevation open areas (forest openings, agricultural areas, blueberry barrens, dirt roads, etc.) on the margins of dry and open forests, particularly those in riparian areas with sandy soils. Pine-oak forest, pine barrens, pine-hemlock-hardwood forest all serve as suitable nesting and roosting habitat for this species in Maine. Visits should be conducted after the moon has risen and is unobscured by clouds.
Image courtesy of Tom Murray.
Audio courtesy of Jim Holmes.